A Courageous Decision?


Sir Humphrey: If you want to be really sure that the Minister doesn't accept it, you must say the decision is "courageous".

Bernard: And that's worse than "controversial"?

Sir Humphrey: Oh, yes! "Controversial" only means "this will lose you votes". "Courageous" means "this will lose you the election"!

Having managed to alienate most of the drivers in the borough, Newham Council is set to put the squeeze on car owners even more. 

First they stopped them from parking near shops and then they stopped them driving along the street. Now Newham Council are now set to ramp up the local taxes on car owners.

The tax will be based on ‘how polluting’ the vehicle is.

Previously every household got one free car permit. Any second or subsequent vehicle was charged. Now every vehicle will be charged, according to a briefing circulated to councillors. The cheapest vehicles will attract only £60 per year. The most expensive will cost £200.

That’s for the first year only. Wait for the parking tax to become established and watch the costs grow as the cash-strapped council sees this as an easy way to generate revenue from a captive population. How long before one car costs you £500?

Business permits will rise to £750 and £900 per year.


Newham’s air quality is amongst the worst in London, so of itself, this is not an unreasonable way to tackle the problem. The issue for Mayor Fiaz is that she promised a “fair parking system” for the residents of the borough. That was one of the promises that drew in support from some of the Labour Party selectorate who were recruited to vote for her. We are not sure that this is what they had in mind.