Open Newham Open Newham

Spot the Difference

About a week after publication we learned that Mr Desai had had the suspension suddenly lifted and that all “enquiries” were seemingly at an end.

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Open Newham Open Newham

More on the Council Tax Rises.

The largest council tax rise in London is in Newham at £155. This is nearly £30 above the next borough, Kingston upon Thames.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Newham Independents Announce Another Candidate

After a lull, Newham Independents have announced another candidate for the 2026 council elections.

Of course, the publication of their candidate for Forest Gate North may mean nothing more than he was the next in line. Having something of a conspiratorial mind we, however, are bound to ask whether there is more to this than first appears.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Something Rotten at the Heart of Labour

At the beginning we said that we thought that this was a local east London matter, but it appears not. Making anonymous allegations are enough to send honest men to the verge of suicide.

Quite how the abuse of a process which is rightly there to protect (mainly) women and secondly the reputation of political parties is stopped is a good question.

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Open Newham Open Newham

A House Divided

For ourselves we must express our gratitude to Fiaz and her acolytes. Without them the council might operate as a reasonable and efficient body. While they continue to mess up the borough and fight amongst themselves we have plenty of material to work with.

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Open Newham Open Newham

What is the Difference between these two Men?

If we are correct in our assertion that Godfrey is facing a crown court trial, (and we believe that we are), it is therefore somewhat surprising to see that half a year after his arrest and police interview and being bailed, he remains listed as a “Labour and Co-operative” member of the council.

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Open Newham Open Newham

A Serious Word for Labour Councillors

We have seen that those members of the council who have sought to address the issue have been harangued and bullied by the mayor and her cabinet colleagues.

The problem for Labour in Newham is not that the mayor is incompetent, but that certain members have pointed out her failings. It is these councillors, not the mayor’s ineptitude that is seen as the problem by the Labour Party.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Figures Show Newham as Worst in East London

In a world where politicians did the honourable thing, we might see the resignation of the cabinet member who has overseen this deterioration in his portfolio area. But don’t hold your breath.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Independent Youth Work Budget Slashed. Again.

This is a commitment that the mayor appears to have reneged on, and the various providers face having to make staff redundant in the next six weeks.

They note the lack of consultation and the “immediate and severe impact on children and young people across the borough”.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Can it be True?

Readers will recall that Mayor Fiaz is a recent convert to the role. Having stood on a platform to abolish the post, after being in post for a few years she saw the wisdom in keeping the elected office. An office which saw her pocketing almost £100k per year.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Carpenter’s Redevelopment: How Not to Run a Programme.

One of the criticisms of the Fiaz mayoralty has been her fixation on, what we hesitate to call ideology over pragmatism (only because her ideological position appears infinitely fluid). It was perhaps more to do with needing to placate what was then her political base.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Now You See Her…

Quite how reading up on the responsibilities after being appointed is “proactive” is anyone’s guess, but that aside, on the face of it she has taken the unusual but none the less honourable course of stepping down.

This means that she held office for less time than Liz Truss!

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Open Newham Open Newham

You Are Paying for This!

Our very own Abi Gbago manages to draw down a comfortable £208k every year. This is nearly £25k above the median.

If there was some evidence that her work was improving the borough, truly, we would not complain, but there isn’t.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Athwal, Rodwell, Desai?

If Desai is off the ballot, the biggest winner will be Fiaz. She is already said to be gleefully asserting that the ‘non-apology’ for hurt feelings and her ability to get her subordinates to pay the legal fees for her action against her own council is somehow confirmation of misogyny and racism in the council. It isn’t!

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