Brits Out?


Whilst Mayor Fiaz seeks to feather nest her future outside Newham by cosying up to the new Labour leader, Keir Starmer, the legacy of Corbynism continues to infect the local parties.


We would not normally seek to identify members of staff, nor comment upon them or their past. We have made an exception on this occasion because the appointment was clearly a political post and was almost a direct transfer from Jeremy Corbyn’s office. Jeremy Who?

Having very quickly lost one political advisor within weeks of being appointed, because of somewhat tasteless and injudicious tweet about Emily Thornberry MP, Mayor Fiaz went on to appoint another with a rather chequered history.

Her head of Office is one Jayne Fisher. This is the same Jayne Fisher outed by the irreverent Tory website, Guido Fawkes. Her erstwhile attachment to the cause of Irish republicanism, and some of its more well-known protagonists, (yep, including those who were imprisoned for blowing up people)  seems to have been a bit too much, even for the Fein-o-phile Corbyn.


Her appointment to Corbyns team was described as a cause for ‘concern’ in the N. Ireland press;  as ‘stupid’ in the Standard and ‘very foolish’ in the Sun. In the Express, “A Labour MP, who wants to remain anonymous, told the Daily Mail: 

“This is just the latest example of an ill-judged appointment of someone who doesn’t share Labour values.

“It could also go down badly amongst all those voters who are nervous about the Labour leadership’s commitment to national security given previous allegiances.”

Her appointment to head Fiaz’s office was met with….silence. Not a single councillor objected, nor did any of the brown-nosers on the Newham Labour Twittersphere. ‘Nuff said.


Mind you she may have grown out of a juvenile attachment to political hard-men of the supposed Left. Here she is in happier days with that eminently successful economist, the peacenik of the Andes and well-known democrat, the late Hugo Chavez.