Mayor Fiaz. You are Soooo …



Mayor Fiaz Claimed Fair Parking 

Fiaz claimed that she would “create a fairer and more consistent parking scheme that is not run as a business, is less expensive, and works for shopkeepers, traders and residents in places like Green Street and High Street North. I will give residents 30 minutes free parking in our main retail areas”

What she gave was reduced parking and increased charges. What she got back is widespread opposition from residents and retailers. 

Nowhere was it clearer than on her election material in her campaign to unseat Robin Wales. Notice the words from her election literature; ‘free’, ‘cheaper’, ‘fairer and ‘more consistent’. Notice also which areas she said would be in receipt of this cheaper, freer, fairer and consistent parking scheme. Some cynical observers would suggest that she was trying to buy a community vote! Or even that this was a dog whistle exercise. Don’t believe us, check out this entry from her supporters’ page.


This is how the shopkeepers reacted when they found out that they had been betrayed.


They seemed to fall for it, but the chickens have come home to roost for Mayor Fiaz. You would do well to remember Abraham Lincoln.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Check out the articles Parking Fury and A Courageous Decision on this site.


Mayor Fiaz. You have been well and truly …



Participative Democracy.

The Mayor was no less reticent in her claims for increasing the voice of residents in decision making. For instance here (para 8) and here and here.

However, when the public decides they don’t like what she proposes firstly she cancels the consultation and then, when a second one comes back with a decision that she doesn’t like she ignores it.

Mayor Fiaz. You are …



I will “reduce the number and cost of special responsibility allowances.” 


Not much evidence of a reduction here then.

The promise was of a reduction in the hundreds of thousands of pounds annually. What we have seen is a steady increase in cost and numbers. It would appear that the innuendo and the promises were all equally spurious.

Mayor Fiaz, you’ve been …



*The figures are taken from the Newham website and adjusted for a full complement for 12 months.

*Number of SRAsin 2018 , Number of SRAs in 2020



I will:

“oppose further academisation and support schools to remain within the local authority including providing the support they need”

In Autumn 2020 Mayor Fiaz decided to make state schools pay for the debts of the academies that she says that she opposes. This will cost the schools some £900,000 a year, for each of the next 25 years.

Mayor Fiaz. You are so …



I will start 100 new Council Owned homes to be let at social rent levels in my first year

At first sight it looks good for Mayor Fiaz. She claims that 200 new homes were started in her first year on 11 sites across Newham. We are almost inclined to say “Well Done”. Almost.

The 11 developments do not seem to be identified anywhere, so we are having to make some educated guesses, so much for transparency. If the new cabinet member for housing would like to enlighten us, we will be happy to share the information.

The Brian Didsbury development will create 148 flats with 71 at social rents or at affordable rents, (the Newham website doesn’t seem to be too sure which). Not quite 50%, but not bad.

Grange Road in Canning Town/Plaistow. Some 77 homes will be built by Populo Living. It is unclear how many are to be at social rents. For some reason the new mayor does not mention that this was a scheme started under the old mayor.

Latterly, Newham have announced that “the council will use £113.1m of funding from the council to deliver 294 new homes across a range of different sites. Of these homes, 104 will be let at London Affordable Rent levels (a form of social rent which is, on average, around 50% of market rent for Newham) using funding secured by the council under their Affordable Homes for Newham programme. Eight will be shared ownership and the remaining 182 homes will be let at market rent.” 

This is a good thing and is to be welcomed, but it is not 50%. Its actually closer to 35% which is a figure that sounds remarkably similar to the one used by the previous administration.

It appears that the mayor is claiming credit for the work of the previous administration. We will be happy to amend this if the new administration provides the evidence.

Not Quite BUSTED



I will ensure that 50% of all new homes built in Newham will be let at social rent levels

We saw above that the levels of social rented properties in the new developments, (as promoted by Newham Council) were closer to 35% than to 50%. If 35% is the best you can do, that is not of itself a bad thing, but at least be honest.



Prior to her election and in the knowledge of a grant of over £100m from the Tory government via the Mayor of London, Fiaz confidently asserted that she “would build 1000 new Council owned homes to be let at social rent levels by 2022”.

We note that this easy to understand and absolutely clear pledge has morphed on the Newham website to become  a “pledge to start building 1,000 new homes at social rent with cash boost of 276 million”             

It seems, with even more money available, she has subtly adjusted her ‘pledge’. No longer does she plan to build 1000 homes. Her commitment is simply to start building. Given the elasticity of polit-speak, all we can be sure of is that she will get the plans drawn up before she is evicted from office. And actually, we can’t be sure of that.

Mayor Fiaz. By your own words you are …
