Grade Inflation?

There is just the slightest suggestion that a number of Newham councillors have over-egged their academic history.

It seems that Cllr Shaban Mohammed has recently acquired a degree, a BSc no less, in Business Decision Management. We are not sure where from, and we searched across the UK and the USA without success, but if he would like to inform us, we’d be happy to update the reference.


It seems that Councillor Masters may also have been a little over-zealous in her references to her academic history. In her 2018 election address she asserted that she had been Oxbridge educated, that sounds like the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge. Right? 



In subsequent leaflets the references to Oxbridge were removed. We are bound to ask, does the reference to Oxbridge mean that she went to Oxford Poly. Sorry Oxford Brookes?

Is this something that the Chief Whip should be investigating? It can’t be that certain councillors are exaggerating their academic records. Can it?

Any corrections can be sent to We look forward to receiving them. Cllrs Master and Mohammed, you know where we are.