Labour: Under New Management but With a Corbynite Workforce.

The title was inspired by correspondence with one of our readers.

We have noted the political complexion of Newham Labour Party, (candidates, more candidates and their postings,  and more postings and even more postings) .

With barely a ripple a centrist Labour council has become the bear pit for an assemblage of far-left groups who seem to be at war with one another as much as with the other parties.

Starmer’s decision to suspend Corbyn may play well with the public at large, but not with the party members who have now taken over the reins in East and West Ham, (and several other London CLPs).

Twenty-five years of stability came after Newham Labour had three leaders in two years. We will open a book on how many leaders Newham will have in the 2022-2026 session. Pick any number between 2-60. If of course they expect to win 60 seats next time. The public have repeatedly shown that they do not flock to a house divided….


East Ham and West Ham Labour Suspended


A Hierarchy of Victimhood and a Division Along Identity Lines