The Chosen One?

Along with the rest of the country, we are assuming that there will be a general election in either the summer or the autumn of this year. Members in the West Ham and Beckton constituency have begun to murmur about choosing the candidate. It seems that some of them would like to participate in the democratic process.

These murmurings have been spurred by the suggestion, encouraged it seems by the candidate, that because of his historical closeness to the Labour Leader, Abdul Hai is a shoe in for the seat. A Bengali in a seat with a significant Bengali population, an individual that is pliable, quiet on Gaza, safe…

If Labour are going to consult the membership in the choice of candidate, time is running out. They are currently supporting byelections in Rochdale and Wellingborough and there will be local elections outside of London in May. Conceivably, the general election could be in May, which gives very little time to conduct any sort of election or consultation.

Currently only one candidate is conducting any sort of campaign in a race that has not yet been declared, (where did he get the list from?). Perhaps he is right. Maybe he is the chosen one.

Watch out, you never know who may be knocking on a door near you.




Friends Reunited?