The Labour Family
We are grateful to the councillors, ex councillors and members who have shared their concerns about the way in which the Labour Party in Newham is being torn apart by elements of the far-left, a strong Islamist faction, by an undercurrent of anti-Semitism and the unbridled ambition of some individuals.
East Ham
After two years of being dormant, following its suspension for violence, in 2019 the East Ham General Committee has had its first AGM. The result was that (Grassroots) Momentum virtually swept the board with Tahir Mirza, the new chair, now being the most powerful figure in the constituency and this will certainly bolster his attempt to unseat sitting MP Stephen Timms before the next election. It seems that the veteran MP has had enough and is ready to go, anyway.
'Grassroots' Momentum is composed almost exclusively of South Asian Muslim members of Momentum. It has an Islamist agenda and is distinguished from Momentum in West Ham, which is largely middle class, white and secular.
Although there is clearly an Islamist agenda, it is somewhat obscure as to whether the importance of religion supersedes the importance of Mirza’s personal ambition. Grassroots Momentum maintains its stranglehold on the East Ham Party.
Tahir Mirza- Chair of East Ham CLP with some other bearded bloke – Multi-millionaire landlord and champion of the oppressed.
West Ham and Anti-Semitism
The February 2019 meeting of the West Ham General Committee broke up in disarray and acrimony. Dr Bob Gill from Momentum and various health related front organisations had been invited to speak about the NHS.
Instead he chose to attack the very idea that there might be those in the Labour Party who are anti-Semitic. Building on the argument put forward by the, now suspended, Chris Williamson MP, Dr Gill launched his own attack on those who suggest that the modern Labour Party could be anti-Semitic.
Whilst this narrative found favour amongst some of those delegates present, Cllrs Terry Paul and Josh Garfield took exception and began the argument with Gill which drew in the involvement of those members who supported Gills assertions. The resulting disarray saw the meeting terminated early amidst confusion and much vitriol, largely from a faction led by Mahmoud Mirza.
Whilst Garfield and Paul took issue with Gill's attempt to whitewash Labour's recent history, there were plenty of others who were happy enough with what he said.
The acrimony and aggressive behaviour were of such a level, that John Saunders, the Secretary of WH CLP and stalwart of Momentum cancelled the March GC. He asked London Region of the Labour Party to oversee the March GC.
John Saunders. Ex-councillor and Secretary of West Ham CLP
This is not without irony as Saunders and a Momentum clique displayed similar behaviour, if anything worse, causing the closure of the WH AGM in 2016 and preventing the chair from moving to the vote on a motion of support for the PLP in their Vote of No Confidence in the Leader, which saw 172 MPs vote against Jeremy Corbyn.
The Chair and the Secretary both wrote reports about the meeting. We’re not sure that they were both referring to the same event! Shortly after, Josephine Grahl, the Chair resigned.
Mehmood Mirza-another unfortunate case of anti-Semitism. Pictured with one Pete Willsman
We understand that Mahmoud Mirza has since been expelled from the party.
Statements on the General Committee meeting of 28th February 2019