What a Coincidence

After months of waiting, former councillor Hanif Abdulmuhit received the email below within 48 hours of the publication of our article.

Cllr Abdulmuhit was told categorically by a member of the interview panel that there was an outstanding complaint against him being investigated by the Labour Party.

This assertion, it turns out was untrue.

In the email below Andrew Whyte says, “I can also confirm that we hold no data pertaining to any exchanges between the national Party and the local Labour Party or Whips’ Office in Newham regarding complaints or prospective complaints against you.”

Between his conversation about the whip’s report on his conduct with Deputy Whip, Jane Lofthouse and before the report reached the interview panel, the report was changed to add allegations that were unfounded and a statement was added or given that these formed the basis of an investigation by the national Labour Party.

We know that Lofthouse forwarded the report to Chief Whip Anamul Islam. It would be quite normal for the Chief Whip to then forward the report to the interview panel. Something happened and the only person who appears to have had the opportunity to make the changes was Islam.


If this is correct a sitting councillor was deselected because lies were deliberately told in an attempt to deselect him. (If it wasn’t Cllr Islam, then we’d be delighted to hear from him and we promise to publish any letter that he sends.)

If this was Islam, did he do it alone, or was it done in conjunction with someone else?

The only way to find out is for the Labour Party to conduct an inquiry or for members of the Labour Group on the council to force the issue.

Will they?

The Email:

Subject: Your Subject Access Request - ICO Ref: IC-197487-X0P8

Dear Hanif,

I am writing in response to your subject access request of 27 August 2022. I am also aware that you have made a complaint to the ICO (Ref: IC-197487-X0P8) who have been in touch with the Party in relation to this matter. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your request.

Following a review our records, I can confirm that there are no historic or outstanding complaints against you that have, or are being investigated by the national Labour Party. I can also confirm that we hold no data pertaining to any exchanges between the national Party and the local Labour Party or Whips’ Office in Newham regarding complaints or prospective complaints against you.

Notwithstanding the above, the assessment and interview process for candidates applying for selection is distinct to the Party’s disciplinary rules. It is consistent with the party’s rules and procedures for a selection panel to form the view that a prospective candidate is not suitable to go forward based the material before it and the outcome of any discussions at interview. That decision may legitimately be reached without a complaint being investigated pursuant to the Party’s disciplinary rules, and is a matter for the selection panel.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Whyte

Director of Governance and Legal

Governance and Legal Unit

The Labour Party


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