Labour’s anti-Semitism Woes Continue


Nationally, press reports have charted the woes of the Labour Party as members have left in disgust at the horrible treatment of Jeremy Corbyn and all true socialists.

For some reason the membership figures do not appear to have dropped. It seems that people are joining the Labour Party faster than they are leaving it. Maybe Starmer is benefitting from the Biden effect.

Modest and incremental improvements are preferred to revolutionary grandstanding by the public at large.

A leader who seems decent and possibly even competent is preferred to one fixated on other people’s revolutionary causes and is one who might not tank the economy.

But that won’t get in the way of what West Ham Labour.

Readers will recall that one Mahmood Mirza was suspended from the Labour Party for anti-Semitism. The Labour Party Compliance Unit is so overwhelmed with cases that there is a backlog of several months before cases are heard. (Just how many anti-Semites can there be in one party?)

West Ham CLP have noted that this (apparently anti-Semitic) individual, assisted by Momentum, received 75 nominations for BAME representative on the NEC. More than any other candidate. Because of the suspension his name did not go forward. Now he languishes on Twitter and Facebook.


But all is not lost.


By a vote of 2:1 the West Ham GC voted to demand that the BAME ballot was postponed. This was in defiance of the General Secretary’s injunction to refrain from naming individuals  in who are undergoing disciplinary procedures in motions.