Tahir Mirza Independent Candidate for East Ham

We learn from The Workers Party, that they will be supporting an ex-Labour Party member, one Tahir Mirza in his bid to become the MP for East Ham. Those wishing to support his campaign can do so via Crowdfunder. It does appear that he needs some help.

We noted Mirza’s decision to challenge Sir Stephen Timms in an earlier article. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Labour’s vote in East Ham took a hit, dropping 19% while Respect took 20% of the vote. By 2010, Timms had won back the lost votes, taking over 70% of the votes cast. Since then, his share of the vote has been in the high 70s and even in one occasion, over 80%. Mirza may be judged by his performance compared to Respect in 2005.

We reported that Cllr Naqvi is standing as the Independent Group candidate in West Ham and Beckton. We note that The Workers Party is standing their own candidate for the West Ham and Beckton seat, which must be rather disheartening news for Cllr Naqvi. They are standing Hassan Morsy, of whom we know little.

In Stratford and Bow, they are standing Halima Khan, about whom we know just as much.

Just across the border, we see that The Workers Party is supporting another Independent.

Stephen Timms is standing for Labour in East Ham. The Greens are standing Rosie Pierce in East Ham, alongside Dan Oxley for Reform. Other candidates are yet to be announced.

In West Ham and Beckton we are awaiting the decision of the Labour Party on their candidate. Independent Sophia Naqvi is standing alongside Rob Callendar who will contest the seat for the Greens and Peter Monks for Reform, with Hassan Morsy for The Workers Party.

In Stratford and Bow, Halima Khan is standing for The Workers Party. We are yet to see other candidates declare.


A New Face on the Block


Rochdale and Newham after the By-election.