
Is this man “Useless”?

Councillor Mushtaq Hussain Mughal is the Chair of Newham Labour Group. Not one of the best by all accounts. Cllr Moghal is a Momentum member and a neophyte on the council. Nonetheless he rose to take the office of Group Chair, supplanting Cllr Suga Thekkeppurayil, who by all accounts was even worse. It seems that Cllr Mughal did not impress his Labour and Momentum colleagues at the last meeting of the Labour Group. Cllr Daniel Blaney expressed his learned opinion of the capabilities of the Chair in the following manner, telling him that he is ‘useless’ and a ‘total waste of space’.

Way to go Comrade Blaney.

(More) Uncomradely Behaviour amongst the Comrades

Even before Comrade Blaney’s outburst, the naughty boys and girls on Newham Council had been told to behave themselves. It seems that the uncomradely comrades have been getting a little unruly, even when limited to abusing one another by Zoom.

The school ma’ams of the Group Executive have circulated the following guide to good, sorry, comradely behaviour.


They seem to have covered most isms. It seems that the thought police in Newham Labour Group are definitely in the ascendance; offending even when there is no intention to offend is definitely out of order. So best not to talk about issues that are sensitive.

For those of our readers that thought that discussion of controversial issues was precisely what politics WAS about, this may come as something of a shock. The only way for Labour Councillors to be safe is to shut up. Maybe that is the plan. It is clear that the only councillors who will feel “safe” at a Labour Group meeting are those without the wit to think for themselves or speak their mind.