A By-election in Plaistow North?

We understand that Plaistow North Councillor, Daniel Lee-Phakoe has resigned.

We are told that Lee-Phakoe, who is in his second term of office, submitted his resignation on 16th October 2023.

Despite his wife holding a cabinet position, Lee-Phakoe has chosen to quit the council following a prolonged period of sick leave. We understand that his decision was prompted in part by the behaviour of the mayor. He was critical of the mayor in her first term and led the petition in which 16 Newham councillors wrote to the Labour Party accusing her of bullying, harassment and intimidation

We are told that he has been subjected to a campaign aimed at undermining him because of this.

With Lee-Phakoe leaving, the dynamics in the Labour Group will change. He was widely regarded as one of, if not the, key organiser in the internal opposition. In the last Group elections, Fiaz’s preferred candidates were roundly beaten two-to-one. This was not an accident.

Taking out a prominent organiser may strengthen or weaken the Fiaz position. We anticipate some indication of the way the winds are blowing from the Group election for the scrutiny chair seat, created by Lee-Phakoe’s departure, in a Group that increasingly seems to be organising on the basis of ethnicity rather than on a political programme.

On the wider matter, the question that will be worrying Labour stalwarts is, will Mehmood Mirza stand as a candidate?

Mirza rocked the local establishment when he stormed to victory in the Boleyn by-election in June. Plaistow North is in the catchment area where he would be likely to pick up votes and he has extensive contacts in the ward. It is not an area in which either the Greens or the Tories are likely to expend a lot of effort, and the Liberals have long since ceased to be a credible force in Newham. 

We therefore anticipate a two-horse race, between Labour and Mirza’s Independents.

This will be interesting to watch and the result may depend upon who can mobilise most efficiently to get the votes out for a by-election.

This will be the third by-election in 18 months. Will ex-Labour Mehmood Mirza be backing a candidate for the Plaistow North seat?


An Amendment and Some Further Thoughts


Pro Hamas?