*Amendments - By-election News. East Ham Central; The Runners and Riders

We are committed to rectifying mistakes. When we get it wrong, we want to correct it. In that spirit we would like to offer our apologies to Ms Sabia Kamali.

In the article By-election News. East Ham Central; The Runners and Riders we inferred that Ms Kamali was the proprietor of the Candy Shack. This is a sweet shop that residents have repeatedly complained about in connection with drug sales in the vicinity.

Ms Kamali has been in touch to say that she is NOT the owner of the Candy Shack. The photos of her at the shop are from a charitable event. We are very happy to correct this and have edited the article accordingly.

She also wishes to assert that she has nothing to do with drug sales. Again we are happy to acknowledge this this. To the extent that this has caused her any distress, we sincerely apologise.

Lastly, she would like us to know that she did not submit her name for the East Ham Central council seat. As she asked us to, we have noted this. She has implied that she will be seeking another council seat as and when one becomes available.


Referendum, What Referendum?


East Ham and West Ham Labour Suspended