Bullying Bulletin *1

It seems that Ms Fiaz has developed a bit of a reputation for bullying.

We will continue to watch her.

At the start of a new term in office we have decided to do a brief recap of the allegations against her from the first term, in the hope that she will do better next time.

Allegations about bullying colleagues.

26 Councillors allege bullying by mayor

Who is bullying who?

Bullying Quiz

Fiaz & Bercow

Allegations about bullying staff

Mayor and Chief Exec

£3m wasted on NDAs part 1

£3m wasted on NDAs part 2

Allegations about a culture of Bullying.

Institutional Bullying and Discrimination

A toxic culture of bullying

Newham Recorder wakes up to the issue


Green Councillors Raise Questions. Were Council Resources used for Party Political Purposes?


More Cracks Appearing in Newham Labour?