Come on Mayor Fiaz. Why is Cllr Guana Still Listed as a Labour Councillor?

With all of the stink that has attached to Newham Labour over its recent history of antisemitism, you would think that they would seek to show that they want to clean house as quickly as possible. Apparently not. At the beginning of June, fully a month after the local election that returned Fiaz and Labour to power we find that “suspended” Labour councillor, Belgica Guana is still listed as a Labour and Co-op councillor. Why?

You could be forgiven for thinking that for all the fine words, Newham Labour are not actually serious about eradicating antisemitism from the party.

One single councillor (Cllr Peppiatt) took the decision to resign the whip because of Labour’s inaction on antisemitism. His reward was to be kicked out of the party. 

We don’t expect a lot to happen.


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