Dirty Tricks Against M Mirza?

It appears that there may have been some manipulated leaflets uploaded to social media. Recently we posted the extract above.

It seems that someone might be trying to get Mr Mirza in trouble over election expenses. So, in line with our policy, we have taken down the original article and below, we have attached the correct leaflets.

We predicted some months ago that Mehmood Mirza, plus the rump of the former Fiaz supporting Momentum team would be standing against Labour in the local elections this coming May.

Given the experience of the last four years, he is right in one respect, there is no limit on how bad things can get.

Mirza is the ‘outsider’ who can appeal to those, (and there seem to be a lot of them) who are fed up with the current Labour administration. He can claim to have been harried out of Labour, and the reasons don’t matter when the Labour Council has established a reputation for bullying. He has been blocked on the council Facebook page (more bullying?); they are fed up of his posting bad news stories about the deplorable state of the streets.

He has a record of wanting to clean up the streets and has run a one-man campaign to highlight fly-tipping in the borough.

He’s been very active in the Save the City Farm campaign

He has support caused by the alienation of voters with the way the parking and traffic changes have been implemented.

He has strong community contacts who can be expected to deliver a vote in his favor.

He has a network of activists with experience in the Labour Party (and various other parties) who can be expected to campaign on his behalf.

What we don’t know yet is whether this is a one-man campaign or whether there will be a slate of candidates challenging Labour for council seats across the board. Maybe an alliance of Newham Socialist Labour and Save the City Farm Campaign.

Either way, it is shaping up to be one of the more interesting local election campaigns for many years. Currently many of the 230 wannabe Labour councillors are pounding the streets to prepare the Labour vote. How many of them will be left when the Labour Party whittles the number down to 60?


Make Up Your Mind Roxi


The Next Mayor has been SELECTED, at least according to the Labour Party