Embarrassing? Mayor promotes Local (Drug) Business?


Here is Mayor Fiaz, promoting a local business.

“Good for her”, we hear you say. Except that this particular vendor of highly sugared confections, appears, according to residents and local councillors, to be the local distribution hub for a number of even more unwholesome and illegal substances.

Here was one of the numerous responses that the masked egotist received on Facebook.


It appears that the mayor had neglected to consult with her councillor colleagues in the ward, perhaps because some of them were too closely aligned to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

One resident took the trouble to write to the mayor, a section of the letter is reproduced below.

“As you can imagine it is not a very nice place to be living around, we are afraid for our children that constantly have to walk that way and are being subjected to that awful behaviour, we are scared they could possibly get drawn into that horrible culture, most of the children on our rd are young, teenagers and may see this act as,  cool, funny, jokes, most of all , NORMAL behaviour, children are are very gullible, naive and can fall into these traps very easily, I myself am a teacher and know how vulnerable and naive children can be.

“I myself walk past there everyday and the candy shop has its usual and new people hanging around in large crowds smoking drugs and causing anti social behaviour, they have no care for anyone, young or old, they do what they please, they act as if they own the  area. It makes me angry having to walk through them, them smirking and smoking drugs, it stinks as you walk past. 

“When I go to work every morning I find that being a candy shop they are always closed in the morning at lunch when I go home and when I return home around 4pm they are open and open till late, till 10 pm onwards, weird right?”

Another resident raised some questions,

“I would also pose to you some questions, the first being why were you not aware of where you were visiting? These people are notorious drug dealers making the life of the officers at Forest Gate station living hell when they are visited. Also going forward should we expect any kind of support on this matter from our mayor? Will the Mayor meet with the local residents to offer an apology?”

So Mayor Fiaz, are you willing to apologize? 

Better still, are you ready to fix the problem that is ruining the lives of your residents?


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