Further Evidence of Council Using Motorists as Mobile Cash Machines

One of our correspondents reported upon a nice little earner that Newham Council has begun to use in Canning Town.

Clarence Road is a quiet street alongside a park. It is a cul-de-sac running off Star Lane. 

You will see from the photo above that parking is restricted between 10am-2pm and a fee has to be paid by phone. Outside of those hours it appears to be that parking is free to anyone.

As you will see from the photo below, there are plenty of parking spaces on both sides of the road.


Discretely beneath the tree, circled in red, there is the second notice. The one indicating that a space is reserved for car club users.

This is a photo of both signs in situ.


The main sign is roughly half a meter in height, by 20 cm across; the smaller sign is roughly the same size as a postcard. We’ve got no doubt that Newham have complied with all of the legislation required. It nonetheless leaves a nasty taste in the mouth to discover that motorists parking in what they think are normal parking bays find that they are being ticketed for parking in the reserved car-club bay.

At the moment, the tree is largely bare of leaves, but residents tell us that come the Spring and Summer, when leaves are full grown, the post-card sign is barely visible.

In their view, this is daylight robbery. They are not wrong.


The Witch-Hunt Begins


Is the Mayor Being Held to Account?