Greens Take Aim at Fiaz Over “Consultations” on Carpenter’s Redevelopment

Berry, a GLA member representing the Green Party contacted Tom Copley, Deputy Mayor to Sadiq Khan. For some reason she feels that spending £750 per person to promote the outcome the mayor wanted, might have been just a little, you know, dodgy. The extract below comes from the GLA website.

The Carpenters Estate redevelopment has dragged on for nearly a decade. Under the Wales administration it had been agreed to build some 1500 new homes for sale, some 525 new ‘affordable homes’ and some 260 to be let at council rents.

Mayor Fiaz, having been supported by lobbyists like the E15 Mums and assorted ‘revolutionary communists’ wanted nothing to do with the Wales plan and has taken three years to draw up and consult on a new plan. The problem is that some people think that the excessive spending to promote the mayor’s point of view amongst a very small electorate was tantamount to bias so the whole “unfair estate ballot” should be voided.


Excessive spending to promote one point of view?

Yet more delays in the provision of new homes?

We await the outcome with interest.


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