Just What are the Canning Town Voters Supposed to Do?

Between writing the article on Cllr Belgica Guana, and her unfortunate sympathies for right-wing conspiracy theories and publishing it, the Labour Party has indeed got its act together and suspended her.

This leaves an interesting puzzle for the voters on May 5th.

Guana is no longer a Labour candidate. However, all of the ballot papers have been printed and Guana appears as a Labour Party candidate. How will Labour voters know that Guana is no longer one of the elect?

In all probability, they won’t.

Readers will recall that this is not the first time something like this has happened in Newham Labour. Back in 2018, Mohammed Muzibir Rahman was ruled out as a candidate by the then Gen Sec of the Labour Party, Jennie Formby. Rahman stole a march on the Labour Party and got his nomination forms in b y avoiding the Labour agent. One the election material Rahman was strangely absent. But within days of the election they had all kissed and made up and Rahman took the Labour whip. In 2022 both Rahman and his wife are standing as Labour candidates.

The difference in 2022 is that Guana is on the election material as well, which might, well, be embarrassing.

There is a wide selection opposing Labour in Canning Town South; Conservatives, Greens, the CPA and a couple of independents. Whatever happens, Labour will lose one seat (even if Guana is elected!).

Here is the suspended councillor in happier days, with some of the comrades.


Newham Labour Buck the Trend, in the Wrong Direction.


We Have a Winner