Mirza’s Memes

We said that we would wait until after the election, but the public demand for the memes has been significant, so, we have changed our minds. Below we show some of the memes adopted by the campaign to support Sophia Naqvi.

The Mirza/Naqvi Team clearly entered into the campaign with more spirit than any of their opponents. They came out with the intention of winning and with their ‘battle lines’ clearly drawn: Fiaz/Labour isn’t working; The streets are filthy; Labour is imposing increased taxes and hidden costs on residents; and, it’s time for a change, (a slogan Fiaz successfully employed only five years ago). 

You have to admire the energy and creativity of their team. Labour looks flat-footed alongside them.

We see very little of the other opposition candidates, save for Mr Khan, who continues to promote himself as a Muslim independent with a view to syphoning votes away from Ms Naqvi.

So, here are the memes. It goes without saying that these are for entertainment purposes only and do not constitute the endorsement of this or any candidate, though we too would be grateful if some was able to clean the streets a little more regularly.

The trouble for Labour, is that after years of tax increases and falling services, all of these messages are likely to resonate with the voters.


“The Letter” Does Not Represent a Statement of the Labour Group According to Chair. Cracks Appearing in Labour Group.


When Humorous Asides are Overtaken by Reality