Money to Burn, as Long as Staff Remain Silent

Scanning through the FOI responses at we came across this one. Readers will recall that we have suggested that HMS Newham Council is not a happy ship.  It appears to be that the skipper, one R. Fiaz and some of her closest lieutenants have been getting rid of staff that they no longer want. (We hope to come back with an in-depth report soon.)  

The implication is that staff who feel that they have been bullied are given a pay-off on the condition that they do not speak to anyone about their treatment. By then, they are often only too happy to go. Some 63 members of staff have been got rid of in this way.

This is what you expect in a ruthless Tory administration, but isn’t Labour supposed to care about the workers?

Maybe not anymore.

And the cost to the Newham Council Tax payer of all this unnecessary spending is close to £2m. That’s right. For the bargain price of £1,917,369 Newham has created 63 job vacancies.

No new work.

No benefit to the people of Newham.

Significant misery to the staff concerned.

But it’s alright as the Mayor clearly has money to burn.


Sights on Higher Office?


It Just Keeps Getting Worse – Top Taxer for Road Users