Newham Council Takes Novel Approach to Accommodating Street Homeless People in Manor Park.

It seems that Newham Council have taken a new approach to housing the homeless. Here we see their latest initiative focussed on Manor Park Neighbourhood Centre.

Having spent more than any other East London borough on housing homeless people through the pandemic, it would be reasonable to suppose that there would be aid and support for people wanting to get back on their feet.

Apparently not.

If anything the open handed approach of Newham Council towards rough sleepers during the Covid lockdown appeared to bring larger numbers into the borough. Certainly, Newham’s numbers (and costs) seemed much higher than those in neighbouring boroughs.

With the lockdown long over, it seems that the members of the rough-sleeping community have been left to their own devices.

And then, of course, there are those who have established semi-permanent camp sites.

This laissez faire approach from Newham Council, which has replaced the centrally controlled single option, is neither helping rough sleepers move on, nor residents who live amidst the squalor they create.


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