Financial Crisis: Newham Cuts Free School Meals. Another Broken Promise.


For almost a decade Newham council ensured that all primary school children got at least one cooked meal a day. The rationale was varied. Good nutrition was said to encourage a healthy mind. Certainly, ensuring children were not hungry would mean that they were more likely to concentrate on their studies.

Also, the provision of a hot meal was said to save families about £450 per child per year. For the rabidly left-wing Robin Wales, this seems to have been a sufficient cause, supporting working families to get on by supporting their children. But wait, Wales wasn’t a left-winger? He was a notorious right-winger! (Perhaps someone can tell us why that terrible right-wing mayor was ensuring that children were fed every day.)

Right-wing Wales was replaced by Left-wing Fiaz. At least she was left wing in her campaign, in truth, we are not sure what she is now. What is clear, is that having splashed out on vanity projects and having ditched the service transformation programme, she is now in deep s**t.

Cuts are coming and nothing is safe.

Free School Meals.

The free school meals programme was popular and an efficient way of supporting families on low and moderate incomes.


Another Broken Promise

It is also yet another pledge Fiaz has reneged on. 

In her campaign (09/03/2018) , “the representative for Custom House ward rebuffed the accusation she wanted to ditch free school meals.

“That’s incorrect,” she said, adding that she had “never” called or voted for “anything that suggests” she would drop them.”

Ok, fair enough. She didn’t say she would keep them. But that is clearly what she wanted to imply. Or perhaps it is only when the Tories cuts school meals that she is outraged.


Oh my goodness! Between the 9th and the 13th of March 2018 she has firmed up her position. “AS YOUR NEWHAM MAYOR I’LL STOP THIS FROM AFFECTING OUR CHILDREN”

Well she didn’t. Another promise broken and it’s the children of Newham who will suffer.


No Conflict of Interest Here Then.


Deputy Mayor Sacked