People at the Heart of Everything We Do, or Rude and Unprofessional?


We’ve been having a bit of fun at the expense of the incompetents in the Town Hall and at their personal ambitions. What this disguises is, that real people in Newham have begun to suffer and notice the drop in quality of services across the council. 

The following Facebook page is dominated by the appalling levels of fly-tipping in the borough and the inability of the current administration to get on top of the matter.


We have noted how routine maintenance seems to have been abandoned by the council; in some areas costs are saved by failing to meet commitments. The one redeeming qualification for Labour in office seems to be that none of the other parties want the job.

The advent of social media now means that when people experience the drop in service levels, they can talk to each other. It is clear that there is a lot of disillusion with Newham Labour.

See for example, some of the comments from residents about how they are now treated by council staff.



The current regime has been warned. They have less than a year to turn this ship around. If they fail to do so, they can expect to see the voters swing away.


There’s a Hole in your Budget, Dear Terry, Dear Terry*.


The Mayoral Steeplechase. Who’s in the Running?