Relations Between Khan and Fiaz “Really Awkward”. Fiaz “reported” to the Chief Whip.

Readers will recall that we noted the injudicious remarks from Mayor Fiaz with regard to the other Mayor in Newham, Sadiq Khan, you know, the Mayor that runs London. Fiaz you will recall, retweeted a post from an anti-tunnel campaign group, that effectively called Khan a liar. (My London has also reported on the spat.) For some reason, Mayor Sadiq Khan has taken exception to being called a liar. 

The BBC reports that Khan has taken up the issue using Labour’s disciplinary mechanisms.

It appears that Khan’s attempt to resolve matters informally met with no response from Fiaz, leading to a situation that is “really awkward” according to a Labour insider quoted by the BBC, particularly as they have to work together on the regeneration of the Royals Docks.

It seems that Fiaz has been reported to the Chief Whip of the Labour Group on London Councils.

That must be embarrassing.

We await any outcomes. You never know, pissing off influential colleagues to appease a handful of activists might yet have consequences. But then, maybe Fiaz has friends in high places, though given what happened to the former Shadow Cabinet Member for Transport, there might be fewer now than before.


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