Save Robert!

Robert the Tank Engine is 90 years old. He was built in Bristol in 1933. Having been retired from service first in the mines and later with a heritage railway company, he was purchased by the LDDC and went on display, first in North Woolwich, near to the ferry. Latterly he was moved to a spot near the entrance to Stratford Station. 

Around the time of the 2012 Olympics, he underwent something of a restoration.

Alas, time, the weather and graffiti taggers have not been kind to Robert. In all, he seems a little unloved and uncared for. Rust, flaking paintwork and spray paint are taking their toll.



Isn’t it time to give Robert a little care and attention. Let’s see Robert make it through to 100 with a new coat of paint.

Get Robert a New Coat! (Of Paint)


Justice for Dennis?


Performative Opposition?