The Odds. Runners Begin to Declare

We do not have a definitive list. We understand that some 15 women submitted an interest in the vacancy. Here follows our odds on the runners (that we are aware of) in the East Ham Central Steeplechase.

Shagufta Nasreen – Strong Backing from the Top - Evens


We learn that Shagufta Nasreen, having been disallowed five years ago, is now deemed acceptable. Her apparently antisemitic views five years ago were enough to prevent her getting onto the panel. Not so now, it seems. Instead of reforming, we are told that she now simply denies that she posted anything. Oh yes she did.

A Family Affair? Despite being an Outsider, could be a strong local contender – 3:2

Zainab Naqvi is the daughter of East Ham CLP Secretary and power broker Seyd Taqi Shah. Described as young and bright she has the potential to be a thorn in the side of Mayor Fiaz. Her dad is a director of Democracy Newham Ltd. The background is here, in The Recorder. Put simply, Shah was a director of the company which brought the court case around the mayoral petition. They lost. A colleague informed one of the community organisers of the decision, who posted it on social media; twelve hours or so before the embargo on publication was lifted. Fiaz’s law officers went after Democracy Newham. Some people, especially in the East Ham CLP have seen this as a particularly vindictive attempt to exact revenge. It seems that there is likely to be little love lost here.


Alas, we don’t have a picture of the candidate, but will happily publish one should one become available. We’ve had to make do with a picture of dad.

Shona Pollock – Our suspicion is that the selection panel was ‘Left’ Leaning, which if correct gives Pollock a strong chance – 2:1


Quoted on the website of the International Committee of the Fourth International Shona is keen to stand to oppose the rising tide of “racist fascism” that makes her “fear for the future of democracy in Britain”. Ummnn? Good to see that the moderates in the Labour Party are making a comeback.

Donna Guthrie – Like Pollock, we suspect that Guthrie is in with a chance – 2:1


Not a fan of the present Labour leadership, nor indeed of the Labour Party for much of her adult life it seems. National Women’s Officer for Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts (BARAC) she does not seem too keen on British society which appears to be  “the same racist system that targets black people disproportionately with stop and search, delivers injustice in terms of harsher sentencing now under the hostile environment immigration controls revisits these black men to deport them. This is unjust, inhumane and racist and punishes them again due to the papers they hold.” 

Addendum: Thanks to our readers we now know that wannabe councillor Donna Guthrie was formerly a member of the SWP and active in Respect. It seems that the most important qualification to be a Labour councillor is now that you were recently a member of a far-left party. Thanks to a report in The Weekly Worker, an unfortunate organ of the CPGB we have a report of her participation in a Respect meeting where we also get an insight as to the relationships between members of different far-left groups and their parasitic approach to building “broad based” movements.

Keeping it in the Family – Strong local connections, but is Dad a Handicap? – 4:1

We are told that the daughter of a prominent, if rather dodgy councillor has submitted her name. But not to us, drat! Her father just happens to be a councillor and suspended party member, Nazir Ahmed. In the age of equal opportunity questions, we suppose that it will not be possible to ask the candidates if they share their parents’ views on the Jews.


Again we do not have a picture of the candidate and have had to make do with dad (again). We’d love to have one if readers are able to assist.

Rohima Rahman – Losing Ground – 33:1


Having made early ground, we discern that Rahman is losing pace and is likely to fall at the first hurdle.

Sabia Kamali – Struggling to hang on – 33:1


Reading the tea-leaves we discern that serial council candidate Kamali is not likely to make the shortlist. Not this time.

Bernadette Dennehy-Lynch – Intelligent and Knowledgeable. No Chance – 50:1


It seems that this candidate was formerly Head of the Mayor’s Office. Alas, she was one of those who left the employment of Newham Council following 12 months of (alleged) bullying and harassment under the Fiaz regime. We’d like to give details, but Lynch was precluded from sharing them because of a gagging order. Arguably the best qualified of all the potential candidates. That was probably a disadvantage in selections because the last thing they want is an experienced and intelligent woman who actually knew something about the council. And the mayor!

Aleen Alerice – We can’t see much hope for this candidate – 100:1


Former councillor under the Wales regime lost her seat in 2018. Still trying to get back onto the council. Not, alas the most gifted of councillors and too closely aligned to the ancien regime.

As we get further information on the other contenders we will share our prognostications.


Severe Maladministration! Severe Maladministration!


Free Speech Under Attack from Newham Labour Mayor