There May be Trouble Ahead….

At the Labour Group meeting on 16/05/22, Mayor Fiaz shared that Newham will be getting some help and support from the Labour Party. 

We know that politicians are masters of spin and will seek to shape the narrative. Even so, this particular statement took the biscuit. 

The particular help and support that the Labour Party is offering is revealed in the Huff-Post. Keir Starmer is clearly concerned about the poor standard of some Labour-led local authorities. He has decided to take action before Labour is embarrassed by a new incarnation of loony-left councils.

Labour councils that are seen to be under-performing will benefit from the ministrations of “campaign improvement boards” which will be sent out by the Labour Party to fix them.

“If the Labour group leaders fail to hit the targets they have been set, party bosses could remove them from their posts.” Quite how they will do that in the case of a mayor is unclear, but it suggests at least the removal of the whip, thereby eliminating any chance of re-election under a Labour banner.

According to sources close to the Leader’s Office, Newham has been identified as an early target in need of ‘help and support’.


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