Tired and Emotional at Labour Conference.

You have to be getting on in years to remember the embarrassing scenes of the British Foreign Secretary rolling in the gutter, in a “tired and emotional” state. The magazine Private Eye famously termed the phrase which has since become a euphemism for drunk and incapable.

We were a little surprised therefore to discover that a certain senior, female, Newham politician was discovered to be “tired and emotional” at a reception hosted by the London Communications Agency at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

In her “tired and emotional state”, we are told that she got into ill-tempered arguments with a number of people, including veteran academic and doyen of local government affairs, Tony Travers and with executives of Berkley Homes, a major developer in the borough.

Her behavior was such that she was politely, but firmly, asked to leave.

If Ms Fiaz would like to respond and deny the reports, we’d be only too happy to publish her reply.


Foreign Wars and their Impact on Local Feelings


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