
I will “revise the Council’s constitution to increase the number of full Council meetings and bring back Public Question Time.”*

It seems that several groups of residents are having problems accessing the council under the new, open and more-democratic council regime in Newham. Murmurs have arisen amongst councillors that suggest that residents wishing to bring concerns to the notice of the full council, are being vetted and if they don’t meet the criteria, tough.

It seems that groups who might ask awkward questions do not have the access that they felt had been promised. Inevitably, when residents are denied access to council it raises questions about whether these denials are politically motivated.

On top of this we learn, that having promised MORE council meetings, the full council will have a three-month gap in meetings. Here is how it was announced on the Newham Council website.

So, you can’t come and talk to the council, and if you could, they won’t be there anyway!

Perhaps it is time for some of the greater transparency promised by Ms Fiaz.

*Pledges. My Plan for Newham


Promises, Promises. Four Years of Broken Promises.


The Trouble with Social Media is…