Voter Fraud in Redbridge?

Readers will recall that Newham has had a history of problems with Labour Party members; some of them didn’t seem to live at the address on their membership card; some weren’t registered to vote; some were in employment but paying reduced subs.

Now it seems that the same thing is being alleged in Redbridge.

Tarry appears to want a party that is “open, generous and strong” It has eerie memories of Corbyn’s “kinder, gentler” politics, and we all know what that meant.

It is one of those ironies that voter fraud wasn’t alleged several years ago when Tarry was climbing the greasy pole. It is only now that he is obviously losing the popular vote that he has seen fit to make these allegations.

Tarry states that his opponents are whipping up racial tensions in the party. Perhaps they are using prominent politicians to write to members of a single ethnic group. No, can’t be that. That was Tarry’s approach.

He claims to have been targeted because of his links to the trade unions. We offer a suggestion, that it is not his union links which cause local members some unease, but the underhand way in which Council Leader Jas Athwal was excluded from the process. It seems that Labour Party members are actually quite keen on someone who has served their area for decades and whom they believe was the victim of a Corbynite stitch up. 

Tarry’s letter is long on whinging and short on detail, which perhaps says something about the man.

Mind you, at the rate the Labour Party works, an investigation should be underway by 2025 and they should report (in secret) by 2027. But maybe with the livelihood of a shadow front bencher at stake they’ll move a little faster.


Oh, the Irony. A Summer of Discontent?


Newham Tops the List…of Rip-Off Councils