Who is Bullying Who?


An Update on the Internecine Factionalism that is Rife in Newham Labour.

Thanks to our correspondents who reminded us that some months ago, Fiaz was the subject of a bullying complaint from her own colleagues. In a formal complaint against Rokhsana Fiaz, Mayor of Newham, some 26 councillors headed by Cllr Daniel Lee Phakoe submitted a formal complaint about her bullying behaviour to the Labour Party. They have yet to receive a response from the Labour Party.

In our previous posting we noted that Fiaz had indicated that she had earmarked 30 councillors for de-selection. No prizes for guessing who 26 of those 30 are.

It seems that gratitude is a scarce commodity in current Labour circles. Cllr John Gray, the recently elected Chair of the Labour Group on the council is widely regarded as the architect of Fiaz’s success in her elevation to the role of mayor. We are informed that he was aggrieved by the manner of his dismissal by Fiaz and that their relationship has not improved since. Presumably he has been critical of Fiaz and her poor performance in the role because, because the very thin skinned mayor has now reported Gray to the Labour Party…wait for it…..for bullying her!!!

It seems that the Whip’s Office in Newham is now totally redundant and incapable of addressing any of the disciplinary matters in the Group. It’s a good job that the Labour Party has nothing better to do than deal with the endless stream of internecine conflicts and racist commentaries from within the Labour Group in Newham. You know like, plan a programme for government or reconnecting with the lost voters.


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Eight Under Investigation!