Who Will Wear the Crown?

From a panel of about eight candidates who submitted their names with regard to an interest in the Labour candidacy for mayor, the NEC have decided to interview two.

Clearly, a former deputy mayor who also oversaw the council finances during a decade when there were no council tax increases wasn’t worth interviewing.

Likewise, who would want to interview a female Asian councillor with extensive community work and links? It begins to look like a stitch up.

If you haven’t heard yet, the Labour Party has reduced the panel to the incumbent, one R. Fiaz and the pretender, one Unmesh Desai AM.

The widespread belief is that this will be a shoe-in for Fiaz. Some months ago, leakage from Labour’s NEC suggested that the next candidate would be a woman. If correct, Desai should be sure to tick the correct box with regard to how he self-identifies, gender-wise.

More recent leaks suggest that irrespective of allegations of bullying and incompetence, the central party feels that ‘they can do business’ with Fiaz.

Heaven help us if this is true.


The End of the Old Alliance


“Nepotism and Mismanagement”. The Party’s Over for the Party of the Workers!