Will Labour Face a Serious Challenge from an Independent this Year?

The failure of Mayor Fiaz to address the core problems of the residents of Newham may well come back to bite her. Scanning through local social media there are several themes that should give Labour some cause for concern.


Litter and Fly Tipping.

It has been a recurrent problem. Whether Fiaz took a different angle to Wales or whether it was merely because she took her eye off the ball, Fiaz has overseen an enormous increase in the amount of rubbish dumped on the streets of Newham. She might be about to learn that her residents would rather have someone, anyone else in post who will actually deal with the problems that concern THEM!


is seen as a con to extort money from residents. That might be because charges have been hiked and enforcement seems to be brutal. It affects residents in their pockets. They might decide that they want change and if they do, their votes will not go to Ms Fiaz.


Residents have noted that while their quality of life is declining, their taxes are increasing. They are not pleased.


Regular readers will note that we have had our issues with Mr M Mirza. However, on the issue of rubbish in the borough, fly-tipping and the failure of the council to properly address the situation he has been both correct and consistent. Here is what he says on social media.

It may well be that we have two months of cleaner streets, but after that?


This is What Happens. Unless You Come from Newham


Four Chief Execs in Three Years.