You Are Paying for This!

We are not among those that believe that public sector managers should be paid a pittance. The jobs are difficult and what’s more, they have to work with politicians, which surely deserves some compensation. 

However, Politics UK have noted that amongst those councils which are set to hike their council tax by the greatest amounts this year, (10%-25%), there are some CEOs who are remarkably high earners. It’s rather as if performance counts for nothing.

The clearest example must be Birmingham. A basket case council paying one person almost a quarter of a million pounds, two thirds more than the median for metropolitan councils.

Of course, Newham is not going to be outdone. Our very own Abi Gbago manages to draw down a comfortable £208k every year. This is nearly £25k above the median.

If there was some evidence that her work was improving the borough, truly, we would not complain, but there isn’t.

We do not doubt that the major fault lies elsewhere on the top floor of the West Wing. But residents will have to pay another 10% in local taxation, (more with Sadiq’s surcharge), they will have to put up with dirtier streets, poorer services and a council that is facing bankruptcy.

Residents might be forgiven for feeling that they are not getting value for money.


Now You See Her…


Athwal, Rodwell, Desai?