Not so “Open and Transparent”

Hidden away in the appendices to the budget for last year we find the small matter of an overspend in the Chief Exec’s Department.

Not to worry too much. It’s only £100,000 overspent.

It seems that the previous CEO, Katherine Kerswell, an interim who came to Newham following a period of outstanding achievement in Northampton, yes the same Northampton that almost went bankrupt; and having been asked to leave her post at Kent CC; and heading Health Care for Capita, that bete noir of Corbynite Labour. Our information is that the Interim CEO left the building in mid-March 2019, never to return. But was paid up until the 31st August!

The reasons are obscure. Unfortunately, “Open and Transparent” Mayor Fiaz is being a little opaque.

It could be that she negotiated a six months’ termination period. If so, well done Newham for being so generous to the most overpaid member of staff. Will you now extend this largesse to care workers, plumbers and street sweepers?

Ms Kerswell was initially appointed for six months.

However, fearing that she might not be able to recruit a replacement, Mayor Fiaz had the Contract extended. It seems that she extended it for another six months which didn’t require Ms Kerswell to do any additional work, nor indeed be seen in the building.

Not bad work if you can get it. Around £200,000 for six months’ work. Mind you, Ms Kerswell seems to have made a habit of working for organisations that she never visits.

We’d like to be more accurate with the details and the figures, but alas, this “open and transparent” regime seems intent on obscuring the details. If they are willing to publish the details of the arrangement with Ms Kerswell, Open Newham will be happy to correct any inaccuracies.

Until then, we will continue watching.

N.B. Hot off the press update on senior salaries from Newham. It has been suggested that the figures are unpublished because the senior staff are leaving faster than they can be replaced. 

We will investigate.

Two years after the accession of Mayor Fiaz, all that we have to show is this….

Salaries, expenses and allowances

  • Senior staff salaries and structure chart (we are currently in the process of updating this page to reflect recent changes)

So that’s all clear then. Keep up the good work on openness and transparency.