Parking Fury
Newham Labour Party members are at war with the council again.
They have also alienated local councillors Hanif Abdulmuhit, Muniba Khan and Riaz Mirza. The local shopkeepers’ campaign has the other two Labour Mirzas prominent on the street.
Expelled Mehmood Mirza
Behind the mask, Tahir Mirza
The shopkeepers were aggrieved because the council introduced draconian new parking restrictions without notice and without consultation. A representative of the shopkeepers called it a “knee-jerk reaction to sacrifice hard working businesses”. The council said that “they didn’t have time to consult”.
That’s ok then. So much for listening to the community.
The demonstration was orchestrated, it seems, by Voice for Newham, here they are in happier days with Mayor Fiaz. You can tell which one is Fiaz. She’s the only woman on the platform. Oh, and the Chair of VfN is there (the disembodied head, sixth from the left) West Ham CLP Vice Chair and wannabe councillor, Zain Miah.
Residents angry at new car tax and ‘sneaky’ way in which it was introduced. Letters to the Recorder show the dissatisfaction that Newham residents have with both the Mayor and the way in which she imposed the new tax.