Quo Vadis Alan Griffiths?

Alan (school-boy) Griffiths has had a bit of a wandering political career. Widely thought to be on the right of the Labour Party he started in Clause 4, the non-Trotskyist Left of Labour, much beloved by lefty students back in the day. (They’re all pensioners now.)

As the 1980s drew to a close he moved right and became a loyal Blairite and comrade of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. As he fell out of favour with the former Mayor, he threw in his lot with the new one, when she was going through her Corbynite phase.


His newfound loyalty didn’t bring much in the way of reward and ‘school-boy’ was left with the miserly allowance for Group Secretary. As the new mayor has ditched Corbyn for Starmer, in name if not policies, ‘school-boy’ looked around for a new political home. It seemed that he had found it with Labour First where he regularly posted on their Facebook page. But then alas, he decided to veer to the left again.
