‘Bullying’, ‘Misogyny’ and a ‘Toxic Culture’. The Labour ‘Family at War with Itself’


The Labour email networks were working overtime in advance of the NEC meeting of 20/07/21. The various protagonists were taking significantly different lines with regard to a report commissioned to uncover what went on in Liverpool. 

Liverpool was another council to have the commissioners go in to salvage what they could from the disastrous mess left by the contemporary Labour administration. 

We quote from one of the circulars. NEC members were told that the “report found evidence of ‘bullying’, ‘misogyny’ and a ‘toxic culture’ locally. Nothing less than a full reset of the Labour Party in Liverpool is needed."

Maybe it's just us, but does that ring any bells for people in Newham?

At the same meeting it was noted that both Luton North and Luton South constituency parties have been placed under ‘special measures’ by the NEC due to allegations of ‘membership abuse’.

Again, this sounds familiar, but it is disturbing that Newham is not the only basket-case in the Labour ‘family’.


Damocles Visits Newham Council


Police and Council (lack of) Relations