Jas Athwal Missing from “Labour Family” Corbynista BBQ in Redbridge


We’re all in favour of different wings of the party talking to one another. Here we see ex-Corbynite Rokhsana Fiaz and “very good friend” the new Corbynite MP for Ilford South engaging in conversation at a Labour Party BBQ. Strange. The Mayor of Newham is there, the Leader of Redbridge isn’t.

Readers will recall that Mr Tarry, now it seems romantically attached to the Deputy Leader of the party, won the nomination when local front-runner and long-time leader of the council Jas Athwal was suddenly suspended following allegations of sexual harassment.

In the current (Me Too) climate you would not be surprised to learn that Athwal was stripped of his party membership, that a police investigation followed and that Athwal faced severe penalties for his actions in the courts.

This makes it somewhat strange to discover that as soon as Tarry was elected, the allegations against Athwal evaporated into this air. Funny that.

This led some of the less understanding members of the Labour Party to ponder on whether the whole matter was an invention, simply to exclude a candidate who would have been very popular with local Labour Party members and let in one who was then unknown in Redbridge, but was a candidate who had the support of one J. Corbyn.

You might think that it was a racist plot to exclude an ethnic minority candidate who had a chance of winning, but as we know, the far left can’t be racist.

We see from Mr Tarry’s post, that other friends of Corbyn were at the BBQ also. Ms Sulatana (an unfortunate history of expenses claims, £1193 for an iPhone, £700 for cameras for her social media etc); Naz Shah, (would rather that Israeli Jews were sent to America); Dawn Butler, (90% of giraffes are gay!, babies are born without biological sex, got her aides to write her a letter of endorsement from Barak (sic) Obama); ardent Corbynite, failed leadership contender and shadow front bencher Clive Lewis (“get on your knees bitch”) was also in attendance. 

Alongside these Labour luminaries we see our own Mayor Fiaz. It has long been rumoured that she provided her endorsement, which might have swayed Muslim members of the Ilford South party to back Tarry against Athwal. 

Tarry’s intimate partner coincidentally happened to be on the NEC panel that ensured that Fiaz was reselected as the Newham mayoral candidate by the Labour Party in 2022. That was clearly coincidental.


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