Justice for Dennis?

It seems that Mayor Fiaz has overcome her long-standing antipathy towards holding full-council meetings at East Ham Town Hall.

Having discovered that Unite and the Refuse-workers were planning to attend the next council meeting, a decision was taken to move the venue from West Ham Town Hall, (with seating for approx. 100 members of the public, on the same ground level as the councillors), to East Ham (Newham) Town Hall, where seating is limited to about 20 and they are separated from the councillors in a separate raised and  seated area.

Mayor Fiaz has championed the presence of community members in the hall for five years. It seems strange to change this now.

However, the decision to move the meeting may be innocent and purely coincidental. Yeah.

Nonetheless, the refuse-workers and Unite supporters will be at the meeting and plan to hold a picket outside from 6pm.

They will be striking for four weeks starting on Monday the 25th September, which coincidentally, is the day that the employment tribunal for Dennis Carabott starts.

It would be helpful if Newham made a statement which either confirmed or denied the accusations of bullying and sexual harassment; or at least gave a briefing to the members of council who surely have a right to know what is being done in their name.


A Victory for Cllr Mirza or a Bit of Smoke and Mirrors?


Performative Opposition?