More News on the Resignation of Newham’s Chief Exec.

It appears that the resignation of Althea Loderick was more acrimonious than we had imagined. It is still undetermined whether there was a particular incident or whether Ms Loderick had simply ‘had enough’.

What we are led to understand is that various members of the cabinet are not a little aggrieved by the fact of her departure. Councillors Paul, McLean and C. Lee-Phakoe are all understood to have expressed their dissatisfaction at the situation.

Mind you, they are finding ways of consoling themselves. Paul has set his sights on the new parliamentary seat in Stratford and Leyton whilst Lee-Phakoe and McLean have begun their manoeuvrings to replace Fiaz. As for Fiaz, we understand that having broken most if not all of her election pledges to the people of Newham, she feels that she is now the best person to replace Sadiq Khan on the mayor’s seat in London!


Without Irony!


Four Chief Execs in Three Years.