Pro Hamas?

It seems that the cuddly party, the one for vegans of indeterminate sexuality, wanting to save the planet, aint so cuddly after all.

Good to hear that they have condemned violence, but there is just a hint of implied moral equivalence between Hamas and the IDF. The actions of Hamas on October 7th seemed to most of us to bear a striking similarity to the actions of ISIS. It may be that we missed it, but we are pretty sure that when ISIS put a Jordanian military pilot into a cage and literally roasted him alive above fire, the Greens did not make a point of asserting the moral equivalence of the Jordanian Air Force and ISIS. It seems that the only time that they need to do this is when Jews are involved.

The comments from Cllr Catt, do not say “end the occupation of the West Bank”, where indeed the Israelis still “occupy” part of the land as a result of the stalled progress in the Oslo Agreements. The geographical area they wish to liberate is “Palestine”. When Hamas demands an end to the occupation of Palestine, what they mean is they wish to remove the Jews from all of the area, “from the river to the sea”, as the rhyming chant goes, “Palestine will be free”. 

Local Green councillor Higgins “couldn’t agree more” with the demand to “end the occupation of Palestine”. If that is indeed what Higgins believes, then it seems that we are seeing the true face of the Greens, implicitly endorsing the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel.

As we noted recently, this is the vision.

We would welcome any comment from him if we have interpreted this incorrectly; we don’t think that we have so his response will be informative. 

Do you and your party wish to see the eradication of the Jewish state, Cllr Higgins?

Come on. Tell us it aint true.

The post from Stats for Lefties is reprinted below with the letter from David Evans, (sorry for the poor quality, but Mr Evans did not see fit to include us in the circulation list).


An Amendment and Some Further Thoughts


Where is the Standards Committee Report?