Vote For??? Labour Leads…in Opposite Directions.


The Labour Party does seem to have woken up to the idea that there is a referendum and that it is largely of their own creation. Belatedly, it seems that they are beginning to engage with the electorate. Both sides appear to marshal similar arguments claiming to be the true defenders of democracy.

The Left of the Labour Party seems to be in favour of the Leader and Committee system, although to be fair the Left is split on this. The Right favour of the Mayoral system.

The argument on the Right is that “some politicians want to get rid of our right to vote for the Mayor of Newham because they think only they (politicians/councillors) should decide who’s in charge at the Council, not us the voters of Newham”. Nasty politicians taking your vote away!

The Left, on this matter, are apparently dominated by West Ham Momentum. They claim that the Leader and Committee system promises a “more democratic, equal and inclusive (model) than the DEM system because all councillors participate in making policy. Working in committees encourages cooperation rather than division”.  A kinder, gentler council, yeah, where have we heard that before?

East Ham Momentum seem to be out of it altogether having thrown their weight behind the Leader and Cabinet model, which is not on the ballot. We’re guessing that they are voting to abolish the office of Mayor.

Several prominent voices have made themselves known. Cllr John Gray is taking a central role in the Voting for Change group. Gray, who apparently “resigned as deputy mayor and cabinet lead for housing services” did so, not for being caught up in the Facebook antisemitism row, but in order to “play an active role in the 2021 Newham Mayoral referendum campaign in support of a committee model.” He now has his chance. Other prominent names include former councillor and failed mayoral candidate, John Saunders; former West Ham CLP Chair, Josephine Grahl and Cllrs John Whitworth and Anamul Islam.

The ‘Right To Vote’ team seems to be a somewhat more select group, headed by ex-councillor Conor McAuley. There are questions about who is bankrolling it. All we have are rumours, so take this with a pinch of salt, but what we hear from the virtual corridors of the electronic town hall, is that a senior female politician is providing the financial backing for the keep-the-mayor campaign. It cannot be can it, that someone whose major campaign plank was to end the mayoralty is providing the funding to keep the role? Can it?

We will provide space for an unedited denial should the person in question choose to provide one.

Neither side seems to want to discuss which system, if any, makes for better government. That is clearly of little importance.

You can visit both campaigns at their websites here:
Right to Vote and Vote for Change

Or on Facebook
Right to Vote and Vote for Change


Referendum Campaign Staggers into Action


Newham Referendum: A Mandate for Change. Err…Maybe.