

It is with just a touch of irony that we note some of the photos from Newham Momentum’s Facebook page. Here the self-styled champions of the underprivileged are supporting tenants, who seem to be from Tower Hamlets.

Local activist and councillor wannabe, Zain Miah is front and centre again. The irony comes from the fact that Newham’s Labour councillors include roughly a quarter, who are Landlords. As indeed does Newham Momentum, with a multi-millionaire landlord fronting much of its activities.

We would have included some of the photo’s, but the photographer is keenly aware of the copyright provisions of the iniquitous capitalist system and we have neither the cash nor the desire to engage in protracted haggling. Whilst Momentum clearly believes that (Other) People’s Property is Theft, intellectual property no longer comes within that definition.


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