Ex-Newham Councillor Leads Opposition to Starmer in Harringay


Former Newham Councillor, Joe Ejiofor, decamped from Newham Council some years ago having had a lacklustre local political career. His move to Harringay signalled an upturn in his personal political fortunes as he embraced Corbynism at just the right time to elevate himself and his political career.

Utilising a Momentum campaign which extended up to Labour’s NEC, Clare Kober, the former Council Leader resigned after months of “harassment”, “sexism” and “bullying” in the name of the kinder gentler politics. Ejiofor bravely stepped into the breach and now heads what is described as Labour’s Corbynite stronghold in London local government.

In addition to removing Kober, the Harringay party deselected several councillors and party officers, replacing them with Momentum stalwarts.

Kober remarked in relation to the NEC involvement on what was ostensibly a local regeneration and planning matter, "The sexism, bullying, undemocratic behaviour, and outright personal attacks on me, as the most senior woman in Labour local government, has left me disappointed and disillusioned." But that’s ok. If the Left are sexist bullies it doesn’t matter.

Ejiofor’s Party has now sent additional warning shots across the bow of the national Labour Party. In breach of a ruling from Labour’s General Secretary the Harringay Party decided to pass a motion of no-confidence in the new Labour Party Leader and called for the reinstatement of the whip to one Jeremy Corbyn MP. Yep the same Jeremy Corbyn who led Labour to its most disastrous election defeat in a century.

What’s this got to do with Newham? Regular readers will recall that the two Newham CLPs have been constantly in conflict with the new leadership. Fiaz’s flirtation with Momentum has left a legacy of sectarian, revolutionary and communitarian ideologies. Where Harringay goes today, Newham goes tomorrow?




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