Is Labour Preparing to Lose Some Seats?

The mayor’s new community organ carried an interesting headline this month. Cllr John Gray, it seems, has been promoted from the role of Chair of the Labour Group to Leader of the Labour Group, but that is likely to be a typo. Otherwise, it might lead to some interesting discussions between Cllr Gray and the Mayor.

In the conversation with Cllr John Gray, the reporter a certain Jean Gray (any relation?) discovered that the Labour Party is prepared to ‘work with others’ in the event that they lose seats to the opposition parties.

This is novel in Newham. Labour has been so assured of victory and so relentless in its canvassing that they would never have contemplated such a thing before. Can it be that after four years of broken promises and relentless tax hikes that Labour is beginning to fear that they have taken the voters for granted? 

It certainly appears to be that they are contemplating losses and are preparing the narrative as to how to handle it.


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