Labour Tackles Sleaze, But Not Apparently in Newham

… just 4 months after the Tory sleaze scandal that saw Owen Paterson resign, Boris Johnson is back to taking the British people for fools. 

Today, Boris Johnson has announced that Conservative MPs will have no limits on earnings from second jobs or time spent doing second jobs - breaking his own promise to tighten the rules.

MPs serve their constituents. But the Prime Minister has repeatedly allowed his own MPs to put their interests ahead of their community. 

This cannot stand.

The Local Elections in May are an opportunity for us to send a clear message to Boris Johnson - it's time for a Labour Government that respects the British people.


The above missive came to Labour members and was part of a fund-raising appeal.

Fine sentiments though, I’m sure that you will agree. But it was probably not such a good idea to send this message to Labour Party members in Newham. The email goes on, without any apparent irony to promise that:

“We’ll tackle corruption at the highest level, cleaning up Tory sleaze and banning dodgy second jobs for MPs.”

The irony here is that Newham Council’s cabinet members are paid as full timers, roughly £46,500 a year. Not a bad little earner, especially if this is their second job. Or in some cases, their third source of income. We covered this in an earlier article, but we recap here because the Labour Party clearly deem it to be a significant issue. How does Labour view second and third incomes for its cabinet members?

Will Labour be addressing “Labour sleaze”? Somehow, we doubt it.




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